views and thoughts from a mundane and regular life

Finding Beautiful Things in My Everyday World

views and thoughts from a mundane and regular life

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Evening Time

It's not really that I am lonely, per se, but the evening is the worst part of things for me.  It gets dark, quiet, not a lot of people out and about.  It's this time when David and I'd sit and talk about EVERYTHING.  Politics, ideas, ideals, people, opinions, and feelings - the meat of conversation is missing from my life much of the time.

I have a few friends who are able to go deep into topics with me, and that is awesome... but of late they've been busy with their own lives (appropriately) and I miss the conversations.  I am not looking for someone to fill a gap left by David, but there IS a gap in my life for someone to fill and I guess that's something I am looking for in a person I spend time with.

Recently, a man who is connected to the group of people I spend some time with tried to ascertain my level of interest, and I was sorta receptive... but I didn't care for the way he asked (about as passive as a person could get) and while I get how hard it is for a guy to put it out there?  Sigh, I think I am worth more than that. 

I feel really picky and entitled when I think about this, but maybe it would be good for me to be discerning with the men who get to come a bit closer.  He's a good guy... I guess we'll see if it goes anywhere. 

And I guess that brings me to another thought - do I take all comers?  You can go out on a single, public date with a guy and probably know with one evening if there might be enough juice to make things work, right?  Even if I am not particularly attracted to someone at first blush, you just never know, do you?  I mean, if they push my "NO WAY" button, I'd listen to that...

Navigating this, getting though the evenings and figuring out how to be open and willing to date?  Yeah.  Harder than I anticipated.   I'm just sorta looking for someone to TALK with right now.

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