views and thoughts from a mundane and regular life

Finding Beautiful Things in My Everyday World

views and thoughts from a mundane and regular life

Sunday, January 30, 2011

January Warm-Up

We've been experiencing a warm and sunny January here. I've got my doors and windows open and the smell? Ah, the smell is of Spring.

Many of my friends out East and in my home state (Minnesota) are experiencing cold and/or snow and I'm walking around in my flip flops. It's not fair, really. (Please excuse my gleeful laughter.)

Now for the few photos. The baby seals are on/near the beach this time of year while mama goes into the deep to fetch lunch. On our walk the other day we saw a sweetie. They are not at all interested in being seen by us humans, and I sure don't blame them... but I am glad we get a glimpse or two.

I hope you are enjoying your January. Snow or not, cold or warm, you are alive and that's a pretty awesome thing.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Between the end-of-the-year holidays being very busy for my business and forgetting my password, I've neglected the blog. No more.

These are a number of the images that I have captured in the last two months:

I never know what is going to capture my sight while walking, but both the image above and the one below are telling. My spouse and I were walking and talking about what we wanted to see together in the coming year.

I don't know if you are familiar with the Crazy Horse monument in South Dakota (near Mount Rushmore) but this reminds me of that. Do you see it?

The root system of a tree tossed up between some enormous boulders on the South Jetty beach.