views and thoughts from a mundane and regular life

Finding Beautiful Things in My Everyday World

views and thoughts from a mundane and regular life

Friday, November 8, 2013

And Then Comes Peace...

Today, peace arrived.  It came on the heels of another bout of tears, which came on the heels of some difficult news and boundary setting.

Peace arrived while on my knees, and with the clarity of the familiar.  The blade of Truth cut through the crap I've let build around my heart in expectation and demand.  The fresh air of it both refreshing and intimidating.  Another piece of the puzzle was being delivered and placed which changed and enhanced the picture of what is being created in me.

A breakthrough, a plan, a call came today.  I am full of relief and peace.

I am putting this here as a placeholder for when I forget.  My personal journal contains the details for myself, this post is intended for a reference point for when my heart is weary and my way gets obscured. 

This post is intended to give hope. 

I know that there are others of you who are struggling with a few different things right now.  I want you to be encouraged that though we struggle there is peace.  I want you to be encouraged with me. 

This life with Jesus that we have accepted, this walk that we choose is never going to be easy.  Every day it's going to be hard, and every day we will to some extent fail.  This is the blessing of forgiveness.  If anyone tells you that this is easy, they are lying to you.  Yes, his burden is light - yet it's still a burden... and there is peace.  There is joy in the journey.  There is hope in Jesus.  There is love abundant.  There is need of patience - both with ourselves, with God, with others.  There are opportunities to be kind.  God is gentle with us.  In our walk we learn self-control, because we rely on God's boundaries. 

Thank you for being patient with me in my struggle.  Thank you for reading here and for sharing with me what you are struggling with, so that we can encourage each other in Jesus.

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