Four Thirty a.m.
It's not a time of day I recommend. For some reason, I am experiencing this time of day with my eyelids lifted much too often. All of the tricks that I typically use to lull myself to sleep, and then sleep runs away like a toddler in a mall. Here I am, I was, giving chase.
I should probably find some kind of med that will allow me a nice 7.5 hours of blissful rest, but I am not a person who cares for meds much - even the herbal or homeopathic (melatonin) make me a little uncomfortable. I'm trying though.
Last night I went to bed around midnight. I did all the things - start my rain and ocean sounds, turned the timer on the t.v. (falling asleep in the dark is still a problem). An hour or so beforehand I took a hot bath. A girlfriend and I had a nice conversation and I was all "tucked in" - the realization that I am not alone cemented in my brain. I fell asleep within minutes of closing my eyes.
Bing. It's 4:30am. And I am awake. Again.
I looked up the corresponding organ for the time I am waking (need more info? google Organ Meridian Times - this corresponds with Traditional Chinese Medicine) and it was "lungs". When I woke up, I was congested and having trouble breathing, my apparatus (a singing term) filled with yuck and goo. But is that it?
Why am I waking up in this time, am I forgetting to breathe? Did the heat turn on and overheat me (which is a trick, as I keep my house at a chilly 55* most of the time)? Am I anxious over the dumb little things I say during the day... afraid that I've caused someone pain? Am I mulling over the possibilities in store for me? I don't know. Frankly, I don't care.
I just want SLEEP.
UPDATE: I was up for half an hour, and then I closed my eyes and was gone for about another 2.5. I may get a nap in today too!
I've been trying to get back to sleeping the way I did *before*. I've forgotten that I often woke up between 5:30 and 6:30 in MN, so waking up at 4:30 is making sense. I just need to figure out how to go back to sleep! Maybe my normal sleep patterns are returning. This would make me very happy.