views and thoughts from a mundane and regular life

Finding Beautiful Things in My Everyday World

views and thoughts from a mundane and regular life

Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Year (and welcome January, the month of discipline and accountability)

Happy New Year!!

Hooray and be gone 2014, you year of lots of things that I didn't like and lots of things that I did.

Welcome 2015 and all of your adventures, big and small, hard and easy.  What will you bring?  Only God knows.  Literally, only God knows.

But here is January and the call on my heart is Discipline and Accountability.

For the last few months, perhaps the last 6 months I've felt like God was asking for everything.  I mean, he asks that of us always as Christians, to lay down our burdens and to take up his cross and follow - but somehow the call feels deeper again.  Back to Eustace and the removing of the dragon skin.  Another deep wrenching from me the things I put on to hold onto the things I want to hold onto and not be totally his.

So enters January, the month of discipline and accountability.  I should have been doing this before now.  I should have started in September.  It's been brewing since September, but I'm not always ready to be as obedient as I should.  I have control issues.  Oh, boy, do I have control issues.

I'm seeing where my lack of discipline is making me be so distracted by things that shouldn't be an issue at this stage of my life.

I sat down with a note book and made a list.  I made a list of the stupid excess in my life, where I am missing it, what needs to be done so I can be focused on other things.  I tried to be realistic, I know me.  I am undisciplined.

Today was day 1.  Day one.  Ug.  30 days to make a habit.  I need them.  I need good habits and accountability.  Sorry that you who read here get to be subjected to this.